Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The End Is Near

Only a another week until the end of the semester.  There is light at the end of the tunnel!

This past couple weeks have been super hectic with projects and exams but I keep reminding myself that I leave for Beijing May 29th.  This week started with a head cold that made studying for my corporate finance exam more fun than one should be allowed to have in a given siting.  Note to self: Taking Nyquil and then attempting ECON homework leads to very creative and sometimes irrelevant answers.

Today we had a lunch meeting with various professors about MBA career tracks.  All of them did a great job, but I'm really excited to get started with Entrepreneurship & Innovation.  I'm mostly excited because I'll be able to apply my technical as well as business skill set.  It's been awhile since I've been around people that understand the meaning of life (for those of you who don't know, it's 42 - if you don't get it, google it).

The entrepreneurship program actually starts this summer with each student meeting and interviewing with teams/companies.  Unfortunately, since I'll be in China, I'll miss a lot of the early on part the entrepreneurship class this summer OR I'll have to get up in the middle of the night and jump on video conference calls.  I bet you're jealous.

This past week I got to spend some time working with companies that are applying for The Ark Challenge this summer through my GA.  There is some GREAT talent with some good ideas that I can't wait to see get developed.  For those of you who don't know what The Ark is, go here.

That's all for now.  More updates after finals.... if I survive!

Layla wants everyone to stay cool!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Good to see you, wipe your feet, come on in

Welcome one and all!

I'm creating this blog to chronicle my adventure to Beijing, China this summer.  Adventure being the key word.

First and foremost let me introduce myself and provide some background information.  I am currently an MBA candidate at The University of Arkansas Graduate School of Business.  I am focusing on entrepreneurship and innovation as well as some finance.  I work for Innovate Arkansas as a Business Research Analyst as well as for an angel investment firm called Gravity Ventures Arkansas.  Both of these roles have taught me more than I could ever have hoped to learn from a work experience perspective, but more importantly from a "What do I want to do with the rest of my life?" perspective.  So, after finishing the MBA program I hope to work with a venture capital firm or with start-ups helping founders develop business plans and find funding.

My undergraduate degree is in Electrical Engineering from The University of Kansas.  I decided on electrical engineering because I enjoy working with computer hardware and I decided on The University of Kansas because I like to raise my blood pressure to an unhealthy level every March as KU goes through the NCAA tournament.  I grew up in Fayetteville and as such enjoy many of the benefits that come with living in Northwest Arkansas such as golfing, camping, fishing and going to the dog park.  Pretty much anything thats outdoors (in warm weather, I cannot stress this enough).

Now, onto the good part.

ad-ven-ture (noun):
           1. an exciting or very unusual experience

Where do I sign up?  Traveling is an adventure by the very definition.  That's why when I saw the U of A had an opportunity to travel to China this summer I jumped on it.  My goal while traveling is to have as many exciting AND very unusual experiences as possible.

But every adventure needs an antagonist.  Although I feel this role is still up for grabs, the passport agency is currently in first place.  After finding out I had been accepted to the China program I sent off my expired passport to be renewed and am currently waiting 2 - 3 weeks for it to return and checking the tracking number every 45 minutes waiting for it so I can send off for a visa.  "c'est la vie!"

That's all for now but stay tuned and follow along as I go on my Beijing adventure!